Board of Trustees

Mayor, Abe Sicker
Deputy Mayor, Shalom Mintz
Trustee, Moshe Schulgasser
Trustee, Shimon Levi
Trustee, Marc Schiffman

The Village Board of Trustees is the Village’s elected legislative body. Composed of the Mayor and four (4) Trustees, the Board also acts as the Board of Police Commissioners.

The general power granted to the Village Board of Trustees under Section 4-412 of New York State Village Law provides that the Board:

“shall have management of village property and finances, may take all measures and do all acts, by local law, not inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution, and not inconsistent with the general law except as authorized by the Municipal Home Rule Law, which shall be deemed expedient or desirable for the good government of the village, its management and business, the protection of its property, the safety, health, comfort, and general welfare of its inhabitants, the protection of their property, the preservation of peace and good order, the suppression of vice, the benefit of trade, and the preservation and protection of public works.”

The Village Board of Trustees typically holds regular meetings once a month, on the fourth Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m. in Village Hall at 108 Old Schoolhouse Rd. New City, NY 10956. Agendas for each meeting are available for public review 3 days before the meeting and are provided in advance on this website.
